Member-only story
UFO Madness
Did you ever consider that getting everything you want could lead to crazy? Extreme freedom is chaos. Extreme control is death. Somewhere in between, there is an ideal balance that allows for sustainable growth and exploration of new horizons. Maybe there shouldn’t be an office to govern everything. Maybe there should be some gray areas so humans can do what they do best, find loopholes in material and social structures that define our existence.
In a 2016 article, Julie Beck explores the fringe of this topic with her article, What UFOs Mean for Why People Don’t Trust Science. Mind you, this is pre-2017, before Navy Pilot says UFOs are real and not ours in the news on national television, a shot that went round the world? This was followed by the US Navy and Pentagon both affirming the UFO is real part.
Many people, for a long time, have wanted UFOs to be taken seriously by the government. I am one. I have been an experiencer of the inexplicable since childhood. I have wanted a place for any person, regardless of their perceived credibility, to speak their experience without judgement. That want may be an impossible one to achieve. Who among us don’t sit in judgement of others daily? And I mean serious judgement on simple things like “Fuck, you eat snails? How barbaric is that.” Still, the French eat what they want and don’t have issues with BMI, and you got to wonder- is it the snails? Am I crazy? Judging one’s self is still judgement.