Member-only story

Aliens and Souls

UFOs In Mainstream Media

UFOs, Politics, and Free Energy

John Ege


The five UFO stories I will be loosely discussing will be found linked below. The US Sun seems to be an evolution of the National Enquirer. Buyer beware? One was Psychology Today. It’s more a what if question, what would humans do it it were aliens. Is that evidence of change, the fact that psychology today is entertaining alien questions? Two were SB Nation articles. Isn’t that a sports magazine? I don’t know about sports. My son likes the San Jose Sharks. He was taught to skate by the Dallas Stars. My dad liked Hook’Em Horns. How are we not tribes with totems?

UFO Experts Shock the World

Is there an Earth totem we can all adopt?

If the thumbnail's article ‘shocked’ the world, then the world better sit down. What’s coming will likely make many wish for the simple days, when it’s supernatural and church had all the answer. The state of affairs is convoluted and messy, probably because humans misinterpret things. Also because agencies have muddied the waters with lies and misdirection to block any progress. There is good and bad in all of this. Some say it’s a threat. Some say it’s for our benefit. Both could be true and wishful thinking.

When is anything perfectly reasonable in all domains?



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