Member-only story


UFOs, NDEs, and God

Never kill the messengers, or give their families grief, for they shall be vindicated as the truth bearers in a time of darkness.

John Ege


This story starts with a blue light. My story has a blue light, in which a voice told me “Be at peace. All is well.” That was directed at me, for me, at a particular time of need, and so maybe it should stay with me. Except, when you hear Chris Bledsoe’s story, which you can, from a variety of sources, including the video linked below that starts with a lady and a blue light. His mission, his burden, was to tell the world. The message seems clear. We are not alone.

If you’ve been reading my story, which is convoluted for sure, partly because I am a flibbertigibbet. Perhaps if you speak words an accidental nugget gets planted, the same way if enough monkeys hit enough keys a Shakespearian novel gets reborn. You will find in this blue light, disincarnate voices, entities of spirit and mind, deities, past souls, and bodily compulsion, like compelled to involuntarily walk away or not look at something that should be stopping all traffic, like a mile wide spaceship hovering over a freeway.

Christ Bledsoe had the childhood NDE, after being shot by a neighbor kid. He has the orbs and the entities. He was woken…



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