Umm, no. Though I like cloud cities, like In Star Wars... If all we had is the tech we had available to us right now, Venus is not preferable to Mars. Did you ever have a birthday balloon that lasted a whole year, floating around your house? No. You no why we don't fleets of air blimps? They're lots of work. If you have a problem on Venus, you're screwed. You're screwed on Mars, too, but at least you can wear a spacesuit for a moment without having to worry about falling or being cooked. If you're clever, like Matt Damon, you can take your poop and grow potatoes.
People like to be able to dig their toes into the ground. Venus, there's no digging your toes in.
Now, could we terraform it and cool it off? That might be fun. I am all for that. But we'd have a better chance of warming Mars up and increasing it's atmosphere than getting rid of the clouds of Venus and cooling it off. We know for sure we can make greenhouse gasses. Not too many people here have demonstrated an effective reversal of that. Hell, we know trees could help, but are we planting trillions of trees? No. Bring emissions down on earth, and I'll give you a balloon to live on Venus. I'll call you from my Musk home on Mars.