Well, Ray. I am grateful for your response. And we will just have to agree to disagree. For every person on this side you say is crackpot engineering data, there are people on the other side doing just as much engineering. I have done my homework, you do yours. And you're right there are images in the collection available not doctored- but to say there is not one doctored photo? That's not reasonable. Photos are enhanced all the time. And, there is evidence the different space agencies are in cahoots. Just look at the symbol on the Chinese Rover. It looks like Star Fleet. What does that have to do with NASA, and the chevron in almost every space agency? You need look no further than the US Space Force Flag, that adopted the Star Trek Federation symbol. Lunar base is the first thing aliens would do. The second thing would be creating a base in the ocean. There is evidence for that, too. Or, do you suppose the government lied when they said UFOs are real, and they tracked one going into the ocean? It doesn't take a lot of research to know governments, agencies, and media lie. Do people lie? Sure. But if you read every UFO book by ex military over the last 70 years prior to the US admitting UFOs as real as evidence some of what they're saying is real, you may need grudgingly admit there's something to it. Maybe not what I think. Could be something completely mundane, like humans have a secret space force.