Well, the tulpa people call the 'place' they go to a Wonderland. I recommend the web site tulpa.info for explanations and methods. You don't have to join the community.
It was in the process of making the tulpa that I discovered First Home. Technically, I suppose it's a wonderland, by the tulpamancy definition. The thing about it is that I created way before tulpas entered my conscious awareness.
Going there feels a bit like day dreaming, more substantial. there are levels to it, like flashbacks to full on experiences. I compare it to Jung's Red Book. The thing that sets this aside from just imagination is I have experiences, and I don't rewrite them or rewind them. I go there. I accept what occurs, and then later I integrate by thinking about it or writing about it.
Have I learned things? Well, yeah- but it's subtle. I experience in terms of emotional well being. I have written some of my experiences down in story format, and it feels like narrative therapy.
You will find more on my experience tulpamancy in my I/TULPA list, but seriously, I recommend tulpa.info. That page changed my life. Significantly.