What a wonderful, surreal dream experience! Given your dream recall in general, and your in dream awareness, you would make a good Lucid Dreamer. Are you practicing? Cause if you hadn't had a lucid dream where you altered something intentionally, you're being cheated! And if you think you would be cheated if the world does turn out to be a simulation, well... wait till you realize you had more control you thought you did! :)
The simulation theory has a continuum, and there is a best case side and a seriously disturbing side. After Life and tunnels with lights, seems okay to me. We're in an alien soul trap, that bothers me... because it means I still have all the same existential questions, and isn't there a God or higher beings that can intervene and stop soul trapping bastards?
I think we're beyond the point of return on the AI is coming thing. We might as well commit and try to make the best of this situation.