What strikes me as being real with you, recognizing the gift of our special people. I have had family, and presently friends, and they all share that they've gotten more love and 'GIFTS' from folks that are more heart centered than they give. This does not mean there aren't challenges, for sure. I have family and friends, and our lives have been touched. I had mixed feelings about Forest Gump, mostly love, but one of the things it highlights is how us so called 'normal' folks will truly miss out on some wonderful truth when we box people by intellectual competencies alone. People got off that park bench laughing in ridicule or just outright mad, not believing God blesses all of us equally, with each other.
May I offer a change in language. You're not following. You're in the lead! We are all sojourners and students, and we rise and fall together.
You're awesome. I am glad your light touched me, refracted and reflected through this sparkling dance of light.