Member-only story
Evidence of Love
There is this video I saw where puppy follows a person home. It came up again. I watched it, again. It’s not just a story about a puppy, but of people. The story of Stoyan and Dessy from Bulgaria, rescuing animals. They have a house full, really couldn’t take in a puppy- but it followed them. Do animals, even puppies and kittens have an instinct about people? I like stories of kindness. Kindness to people. Kindness to animals. I find time in my day to be kind, but also time is limited due to resources, so I work, and schedules can limit kindness. And so when you see something like this, on youtube, it kind of make it nice that there is a potential revenue stream for people doing this work. Because, Kindness is also Work. A calling.
Kindness isn’t accidental.
But in this, there is something else interesting. This video has 1 million, 22 thousand, 413 views. How cool is that? You just can’t go wrong with a puppy rescue video. 1 million plus views. It is has 42K likes. Why? Was there a language barrier? This is better than any reality TV show. It’s better than the Kardashians. Why not 500K likes? I am not mad. I am just curious? I couldn’t not click like.
It has 320 dislikes. That baffles me even more! What’s wrong with you 300, are you Spartans?! Who the hell hates puppies? Who doesn’t like…