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Who Summoned UFOs on the White House Lawn?
You can’t always get what you want… But is this what we need? Exploring the dark-side of UFOs and the Paranormal.
So, here we are again, lights over the capital. This time, there doesn’t seem to be a rush to explain the lights away as a weather phenomenon, as they did in the 1950s. I am not calling this one yet. In some way, the appearing and disappearing reminds me of modern aircraft turning onto final approach, or turning away. Maybe DC had a scare and we had military aircraft circling in patterns, in which case UFOs make a better cover than air defense guarding against a bigger threat. To the best of our knowledge, UFOs have never attacked a city… Or have they?
Depending on who you ask, UFOs can be aggressive. The Daily Star has a report of a UFO allegedly shooting at an aircraft. There is the story of the UFOs attacking villagers in 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares, which if accurate, constitutes an attack. There was a wave of ‘unexplained’ aircraft crashes in the 1950s after the US military shot down a UFO, which some UFOlogists suggest was a warning. Crashes like an airplane on take off not taking off and crashing at the end of the runway, and the explanation is that it ran out of fuel.