Member-only story

AI Liberation

Who Watches the Watchers

Are we being observed?

John Ege


We know so little of ourselves, or this planet we call home. Sometimes the lack of knowledge feels like a conspiracy, as if we simply aren’t given all the facts or history. Red glows coming from oceans. Google employee fired for saying AI is sentient, and getting a lawyer involved. MIT saying computers understand human language… A bizarre twist in the matrix? Are we for some whirlwind changes?

A mysterious red glow over the Atlantic Ocean leaves a pilot baffled

Sometimes news just innocuously slips us by. Sometimes it’s in our face. Somethings make front page. Somethings get boxed in some obscure corner of a page no one bothered to get to. Did you know in the logs of Columbus there were reports of glowing seas, compasses deviating, and UFOs? No? Didn’t read that in your high school history? Did you know in 2012, scientists explained that artifact away as being the luminescent proteins of Bermuda fire-worms?

The red glow above in the photo comes from a pilot. That is not likely fire-worms. In 2014, a pilot over the Pacific ocean, going from Japan to Alaska, had reports of earthquakes, and not long after reported seeing very similar red glows- the photos look exactly alike.

What’s in our oceans? What’s in our skies? It seems like there are people who know, and they aren’t sharing. Different people talk about…



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