"Workers were tired before the pandemic. Now they’re reaching a breaking point." US workers are some of the hardest workers in the world. Americans also have a fairly good sense of fairness. In almost every corporate structure, front line employees incentives are minimized while work demands have been steadily increasing. The higher you are on the chain, regardless of competency, the greater likelihood you do less work, allowing you to be on the board of exec of four to five other companies, each giving a golden parachute, and if you intentionally or accidentally bankrupt one of your companies, you get your chute and you're still employed. What's the incentive for CEO's to do good for the company or the employee?
Thank you for mentioning childcare. Many people still have their kids at home. Even if they wanted to work, daycare is too much. If your whole check goes to day care, what’s the incentive? And, when you consider how kids are being used for political agendas of teachers, and not being educated, why would we want to send our kids back? Pay me to educate my own kids. I guarantee you my kids will do better than any state or charter based school.
But, let's say we want to work. We got a stay of execution on being evicted, but our cars were repossessed. Okay, now I can't get kids to grandmother's or myself to work. Uber? Okay, there's another tax on something I don't have. Even the people driving for Uber aren't compensated enough for the wear and tear on their cars, as fuel prices spike, but one guy who runs the app gets fairly nice compensation. It's just an APP. Why can't we create an app that serves people without someone benefitting more than most?
Oh, ALSO, don't forget I am now about to be evicted, and going back to work will not allow me to catch up, stabilize my situation, and be okay. Right now, more people are worried about whether or not they can move in with another family, or they need to spend their last unemployment on a tent and move to a park in Austin. Meanwhile, while companies say they want workers, the Walmarts I USED TO shop at fired their cashiers and put in self pay stations. Am I paying less at Walmart? No. Did they raise the salaries of the stockers and give them insurance? No. Who benefits from fewer employees who get paid minimum with no insurance? Ummm? Hypothetically, could a company like Walmart, or McDonalds, run with zero CEOs? I mean, it's just a machine. Merchandise comes in, people stock, people buy... Don't really need to much micromanaging here, which is the reason people at the top are on the board of execs for other companies! They're bored executives! And not making enough money so they have to moonlight. Did you know, you can't work for McDonalds and Burger King because that would be considered a conflict of interests? Seriously?
Some of the people who just finished with school have huge loans , they don't want to take the low pay of a start up career because they know, it won't cover the loans, much less normal living expenses. Maybe they shouldn't have gone to school and taken on debt, you say. Reasonable argument. Since no one can afford to go to school, I suppose if no one could fill positions because of education, the salary might eventually rise to compensate people for going to school? That's not what's been happening. Fewer Doctors are going to school, meaning more Nurse Practitioners are serving our health care needs. They are over worked, as all nurses, as all health care employees. Where does the money for that 75 dollar aspirin go? I could have Uber deliver an entire bottle of aspirins for what they charge. Maybe if insurances and hospitals weren’t in cahoots for keeping prices so exorbitantly high, we wouldn’t need Congress pretending they’re interested in fixing it. Yeah, it’s not just economical factors driving down the number of Doctors going to school. But it's never just economical incentives that determine how people will find or chose employment. If all you look at are wages, your level of analysis is borderline sophomoric, and absolutely moronic.
Meanwhile, Wall Street has been using our 401Ks to buy properties, like homes, and lobbying congress to allow evictions to start, because they have leveraged themselves to buy all the homes we once owned so they can rent them back to us.
So, yeah? Who wants to play when clearly we are nearing the end of the Monopoly Game of Life. Jeff Bezos won. Yay him! I am no more mad at him than I would be for any of my family members who have beat my ass playing Monopoly. But the game is over. We can no longer afford to play. What does that mean? Either we agree, socially, to reset the board, or there will likely be a family feud. Is destroying our nation really worth the ego trip of those in power who lobby to keep all the perks for the elite, while minimizing the path for others to at least make a living wage? Winning Monopoly does not mean a person is morally superior, much less more intelligent. After all, it's not Chess. We would not organize people by their ability to play Chess. Bezos, I challenge you to a game a chess, all or nothing. Not you, Musk. I am too worried you networked your brain with Deep Blue.