You are well read! You're right, Dr. Werner von Braun is on record saying the next war will be from space... Eisenhower hinted at it. General MacArthur said it at a graduation ceremony for cadets. Richard Greer seems to be the present champion. I think I first heard project blue beam on Art Bell. For this article, the only reference I have is the secure team 10 video, the second half of the video addresses the move towards 'threat' with UFOs.
Check out the story on Serge Monast. That's kind of interesting. He supposedly outed project blue beam.
There is one 'fact checker' that's absurd. It just calls it false, and leaves the conspiracy explanation intack without debunking. Don't they know that just reinforces the conspiracy?
I have not read Rachel's Eyes, but I am familiar with it due to Art Bell! He had her, or her mother on as a guest.
I have not read the Harris book. Thanks for the heads up on the title. So many books to read!