You hooked me in with my greatest love, Star Trek... But I found little imagination, and really no Trek. You rehashed the distance space/time problem, you ramble about some stuff, throw in some measurement and equations... Where's the Trek? Where's the imagination? Why evoke Star Trek at all?
Your writing is good. Your grammar, much better than mine. It just left me wanting. Imagine Star Trek, for real. What would it be like arriving at Alpha Centauri on the Enterprise D, after what, 4 minutes at warp 8? If you can do the math, and I can't, that would be a nice trick. Can you imagine doing the math homework for the series to make sure the relative distance travel time is spoken consistently based on a formula? That might be fun. Can you imagine, if humans have the ability to travel in space, would our social institutions on earth be more kind? Seriously, if we can go to warp and travel the stars, we won't have energy problems on earth, right?
Imagining Star Trek is not starting with engineering as we know it, but as we will know it. And clearly, if we are on the Enterprise D, you're not worried about carrying food supplies- you have a replicator. E=MC2, you mentioned that formula, you can covert matter into energy, or make energy into matter- even the eatable kind, with flavoring and all! We could eat proteins and stakes without killing things. I like that idea the most.
Just some thoughts.